Lady Gaga has posted two discussion threads on her website in regards to her upcoming ARTPOP album. The first thread announced that the album will be available not only in standard digital format but as an iPhone and iPad app that will contain clips, pictures, and tons of interactive content. The second post gives more details about ARTPOP itself and how the app will function.
In the first post, Lady Gaga announced that ARTPOP will not only be an album but a digital project that will allow her fans access to content that traditional media just doesn't provide.
You inspired me to create something that communicated with images, because YOU do, YOU communicate with me and each other with .gifs and pictures, and artwork, graphics ALL DAY 24/7/ YOU'RE an ARTPOP generation. Im hoping you will all continue to grow together and stay connected through your creativity.
In a further post, we get a little bit more explanation of what ARTPOP is actually about and what platforms it will be available on.
ARTPOP APP will be available to work on computers (for example your laptops,) in addition to iPads, tablets, smartphone, Android, (compatible with as many formats that this technology can function on at this time) if you have a laptop this will fully suffice you to utilize it, so do not fret! I already anticipated you would say that :) Nobody will be missing out on anything special! Nothing is different except I've giving you more stuff to play with and have fun.
It will not be more expensive than album. I find digital music to be overpriced (as it is not the same value as a physical copy) and this is a way to give you more.
Lady Gaga's current website is a product of a startup called Backplane that was initially funded by Gaga herself along with Google Ventures. George Hotz joined the Backplane team after quitting Facebook at the beginning of this year.
Whether or not you're a fan of Lady Gaga, there's no denying that her website is an amazing tool that allows her to connect with fans in ways that music artists have never done before. It'll be interesting to see how the up and coming ARTPOP project will unfold and how fans will be able to interact with it. If it's anything like her current website, fans have a lot to look forward to.
Source: LittleMonsters, LittleMonsters
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