Samsung has announced and published the whitepaper for their upcoming Exynos 5250 SoC (System on a Chip), and it looks like the stuff a hardware geek's dreams are made of. Sporting a dual-core 1.7GHz CPU, paired with a quad-core Mali GPU. The full feature list reads like the side of a desktop computer box.
- A15 CPU dual-core 1.7GHz CPU
- Mali T604 quad-core GPU
- 800 Mhz LPDDR3 RAM support
- USB 3.0 support
- OpenGL ES 3.0 support; OpenCL 1.1 full profile support; DirectX 11 support
- Support for WXQGA (2560x1600) resolution
- Wifi display support
- 1080p 60 FPS video performance and VP8 codec decoder
We see a couple things nobody expects to see in an ARM chip for mobile devices, namely USB 3 and DirectX support. With Microsoft announcing a slew of upcoming Windows 8 tablets, we should get used to seeing it. And chances are that's where we'll see this chip first -- in Samsung built Windows 8 tablet/clamshell hybrid.
Of course, it will also be a total screamer in the benchmark arena on the Android side, so that's what we're looking forward to seeing. No word on when that may happen, but while we all wait there's a great breakdown and discussion starter in the forums, where everyone can talk about the Exynos 5 until it gets in our Android devices. Check it out, along with links to Samsung's whitepaper and announcement below.
Samsung Exynos 5 details released | Exynos 5 whitepaper
Source: Samsung
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